A92: About TI-plus module !


A92: About TI-plus module !

>When will this great module be available ?
>I think it has a support for ASM, but what it is ?

>Since it his the same processor (68000), will programs be compatible
>with fargo ?
>I think that it is not recommended to buy it if there is no ASM prog,
>cause fargo progs make the difference, even if plus module is more
>powerful !
>Am I right ?

>(To Benoit SCHERRER : have you fixed the bug in the new version of
>fargo program editor (I've lost big programs with it, and I weren't
>happy) ?
>But if it works it's great !)
SORRY for what happened with Fargedit v2.0 ALPHA1. Really sorry.
I hopefully released a new version (ALPHA2) where the BIG 
bug is fixed, and some new functions added. But I think that everybody
would have better to check the create BAK option.

I will try to make fargedit compatible with both Fargo and
the TI-Plus Module assembly format.


BTW, it seems that, even if I released the ALPHA2 version on ticalc, I
wrote that it was the ALPHA1 version. (someone mail me to
tell me that). But i am not sure....
Bryan, could you check it ? Thanks !!
