Re: A92: Benchtest of TI-92, 92II and 92+


Re: A92: Benchtest of TI-92, 92II and 92+


I just wanted to tell ya, u don't need such a complicated stuff to see
the difference (at least between TI-92 & TI-92 II) : just draw a
function and you'll see II finshed far before a "classical" model !

Richard Schatz wrote:
> Since there have been some controversies regarding the speed of TI-92 and
> its clones TI-92II and TI-92+ I have compiled a list of measured benchmarks.
> As a benchmark test I have chosen inversion of a 10 by 10 matrix in both
> "approximate" and "exact"  mode, i.e.,
> randmat(10,10)^-1
> Note that the choice is not beneficial for TI-92 if it is to be compared to
> other calculators since the algorithm for inversion of matrices seems
> unnecessary slow.  According to John Edry <> inversion of a
> 30 by 30 matrix takes 1297s on a TI-92 against only 174 s on a TI-85 and 81
> s on a HP-48GX. The time for inverting an (N*N) integer matrix on a TI-92
> grows as expected N^3 for approximative calculations but almost as N^4 for
> exact calculations. However, the simple benchmark suffices for indicating
> the speed differencie between the different TI-92 clones. Note that the
> values between units of the same type can vary a few percent due to
> variations in battery condition, clock speed and memory status (e.g. the
> calculator slows down when the history file grows). All times are in seconds
> Calculator              Exact           Approximative   Measured by
> __________________________________________________________
> TI-92           45              26              RS
> TI-92II         32              18              GJ
> TI-92+          31              21              JMF
> TI-92ext                32              18              JJM
> TI-92acc1               17              10              RS
> TI-92ext/acc2   12              7               JJM
> ext= home made memory extension, see www-page of Jean-Jacques Michel
> acc1=accelerated (C11=10pF), see webpage of Boris Lutz
> acc2=accelerated (C11=8.2pF)
> RS=Richard Schatz (myself) <>
> GJ=Gareth James <>
> JMF=JM Ferrard <>
> JJM=Jean-Jacques Michel  <>
> Note that the values for TI-92+ is for a beta-version since it has not been
> released yet. The conclusion is that the TI-92+ is a bit faster than TI-92
> and approximately similar to TI-92II. The values for the "home" extended
> TI-92 confirms that this speed increase is solely due to the larger (and
> better organised) memory which can utilise the 16 bit bus instead of
> addressing the internal 8 bit RAM-memory twice.
> JM Ferrard has done a comprehensive review (72! screenshots) of TI-92 that
> can (in french) be found on the web
> For those (like me) who are not familiar with the french language he has
> also made an english version which he was kind to mail me. I have relayed
> it on
> It is a zipped RTF-file which should be possible to open with e.g. Word.
> I want to thank all contributors to this benchtest
> =================================
> Richard Schatz, PhD
> Royal Institute of Technology
> Laboratory of Photonics and Microwave Eng.
> S-164 40 Kista-Stockholm, SWEDEN
> Phone: +46 8 752 1271
> Fax:+46 8 752 1240
> =================================

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