A92: Problems with ROM 2.1 WinOpen - QV 1.7


A92: Problems with ROM 2.1 WinOpen - QV 1.7

I tested QV 1.7 on a ROM 2.1, and it crashes. But there was no reason to 
crash, and
i hope that somebody will help me to find an explanation...
This is the problem : 
I use the window function in TI's rom in QV 1.7 (It was not the case in QV 
1.6) and i think the  tios pseudolib contains a bug. (Fargo 0.2.3)
If you compile this test prog for Fargo 0.2.3, it will work with ROM 1.x, but 
crash with ROM 2.1... So what's the problem ?

	include	"tios.h"
	include	"flib.h"
	xdef	_main
	xdef	_comment

	pea	title(pc)
	move.w	#$1019,-(a7)
	pea	rect(pc)
	pea	window(pc)
	jsr	tios::WinOpen
	lea	14(a7),a7
	pea	window(pc)
	jsr	tios::WinActivate
	add.l	#4,a7
	jsr	flib::idle_loop
	pea	window(pc)
	jsr	tios::WinClose
	add.l	#4,a7

rect		dc.w	20,30,220,80
window		ds.b	$2A
title		dc.b	"QuickView",0
back		dc.b	1
_comment        dc.b    "QuickView 1.7 KAERCHER Sacha",0

