Re: LF: ti92 fast enough?


Re: LF: ti92 fast enough?

> Who says that a 386 is a desktop?  There is a machine called the Prolinear
> Palmtop PC, which is about the same size (but different dimensions) as the
> 92.  And its a 386.
So, you can use a 386 enever you want (why not controlling an 
automobile injection system :). Anyway, compare the price of a 
Prolinear to the price of a TI and you'll see what I meant.

Nuno Costa

PS: Yes, I know it would be difficult to use a standard 386 inside a car 
because of the awfull electrical interferences... :)
Stop the mass genocide in East Timor!

Nuno Miguel Vieira da Costa                                       | Sem a loucura que e o homem,
Email:                                        | Mais que a besta sadia
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________________________________________________Fernando Pessoa____
