Re: LF: Upgrading the CPU


Re: LF: Upgrading the CPU

Well, swapping in a 66 mhz processor would rock, but there is a slight
problem it would probably form.  MY GUESS is that it's going to draw much
larger amounts of battery power, and you may see battery lifetimes
somewhere around ... 30 minutes.. :)  I could be wrong though.  Though the
ROM is on a quick-swap setup, I believe that the processor is soldered to
the board, so it is NEAR impossible to swap.  I also don't know if the chip
runs at a higher or lower voltage or anything else, but I truly have no
clue, since I'm not very familiar with the 68k line.  The 256k ram hole has
been found before, and a few people are working on exploiting the use of
this 256k extra, though nobody has attained one of these chips or tried to
install it to my knowledge, though I could be wrong.

>I have surfed the moterolla site and have discovered the god of chips:  The
>68060.  It can run at 66 mHz, execute 3 instructions per clock cycle, and
>perform over 50 MIPS (I think as high as 100 MIPS).  This is incredible
>compared to the 68000's 10 MIPS.  What are the chances of chip swapping.
>Could this prove fatal?  How about using the 33mHz version of the 68000,
>would this be ok?  I also discovered that the chip is available in forms
>coming with as much as 256k ram and attached eprom.  Is there any way to
>make use of this?  The chips are capable of addressing up to at least 4 gig
>of ram, is it possible to upgrade the ram?  Any one know?  Well thanks.
