Re: LF: TI-92 with sound...


Re: LF: TI-92 with sound...

In a message dated 11/18/96 10:11:03 AM, you wrote:

<<Can't the TI-92's ohp port be used? I haven't the slightest idea what it
(the port) looks like, but I know it must have a high transfer rate
since it has to transfer the whole screen almost instantaneously. Then
you could have OK quality audio - of course, that's only if someone is
willing to design the hardware for it!>>

  I doubt it.. you'd have to output the sound to the screen then make
hardware to filter out that data from the rest of the screen data. Very

  A better way is to go through where the RAM card plugs in. This has access
to much more than just the memory parts of the calculator, for TI's future
intentions, and is probably much faster and easier to address.

