LF: Reseting a crash calc?


LF: Reseting a crash calc?

>Does anyone know of a quick way to reset the 92 when it has crashed/locked-up?
>It seems to take somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes of battery-lessness before
>it totally discharges and resets.  This isn't too convienient when your trying
>to code.

Look in your manual on page 498:

"Press and hold [2nd] and [hand].  Then press and release [ON].

If [2nd] [hand] and [ON] do not correct the problem:

1. Remove one of the four AA batteries. Refer to page 496.

2. Press and hold [(-)] and [)] as you reinstall the battery.

3. Continue holding [(-)] and [)] for five seconds before releasing."

Nathan Sutcliffe                    nsutclif@intergate.bc.ca