LF: More trouble...


LF: More trouble...

OK, I'm still having trouble.  The alignment errors are gone now, but
the assembler still does not recognize JSR calls and the relocation
block.  Anyone?

        @program prog_code,prog_name
; *=changed from before        
        MOVE.W  #4,-(A7)            ; push set_font param
        JSR     romlib[set_font]    ; set font
        ADD.L   #2,A7               ; *clear stack
        JSR     flib[clr_scr]       ; clear screen
        JSR     flib[idle_loop]     ; wait for key 
LOOP:                               ; label         
        MOVE.W  #$00FF,-(A7)        ; *push what3
        MOVE.W  #$0000,-(A7)        ; *push what2
        MOVE.W  #$00FF,-(A7)        ; *push what1
        MOVE.W  #4,-(A7)            ; *push font style
        MOVE.W  #0,-(A7)            ; *push x loc
        MOVE.W  #0,-(A7)            ; *push y loc
        MOVE.W  D0,-(A7)            ; *push char
        JSR     romlib[putchar]     ; *display text
        ADD.L   #14,A7              ; *clear stack
        JSR     flib[idle_loop]     ; wait for key
        BRA     LOOP                ; goto label LOOP
Exit:                               ; label
        RTS                         ; end of prog

prog_name:                          ; declare string for comment line
        DC.B    "Key Code Generator",0

        reloc_open                  ; include libraries flib and romlib
        add_library  romlib
        add_library  flib

 END                                ; see?  it really is there!

Jake Robb
