Re: LF: Help


Re: LF: Help

Tricky little program... I know what's happening, just not why.  First,
change the first move.w's to move.l's.  DBRA expects long's  (I think.)

	By the time that you get to the DBRA instruction the third time,
the high word of D0 has somehow changed.  This doesn't change the screen
output much ... what would font 2501 (something big) look like?

	Bottom line is, you are never making it to the JSR instruction.
My suggestion is to use D3 where your are using D0 now.  It might help...

On Mon, 16 Dec 1996, Josh wrote:

> Could somebody tell me what's wrong with this program?  It seems to work
> fine (it compiles and displays the text) except that you cannot exit the
> program (you have to reset).  I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong
> with flib[idle_loop] or if it's something else I'm doing.
> ;************Begin Program***************
>    @program start,name
>    include macros.h
> start:
>    jsr      flib[clr_scr]
>    move.w   #2,d0
>    move.w   #1,d1
> print:
>    SetFont  d0
>    WriteStr #1,d1,#0,hello
>    addi     #10,d1
>    WriteStr #1,d1,#4,hello
>    addi     #10,d1
>    dbra     d0,print
>    jsr      flib[idle_loop]
>    rts
> hello    dc.b     "This is a test...",0
> name     dc.b     "Josh's program",0
>    reloc_open
>       add_library flib
>       add_library romlib
>    reloc_close
>    end
> ;***************End Program***************
> Josh Franta	MAIL -
> 		WEB  -
