Re: LF: converst 92 to 8x


Re: LF: converst 92 to 8x

>Hey! I just got this really cool idea. Would it be possible to assemble a
>program in fargo, that immitates the ti-8x link protocol so that the ti-92
>could be linked to an 8x? It seems like it is very possible, if the bytes
>were read and written streight from i/o ports, or mem addresses. 
>//                            regul^tor||Brad||KB8MNS

There already is a program for the 85 that allows connection to the 92.
Considering it's for the 85, all the variables are 85 specific (you can't
transfer an 85 BASIC program to the 92 and run it on the 92).  Actually, the
variables are stored as PICs on the 92.
