Re: LF: Fargo/M68k assembly resources


Re: LF: Fargo/M68k assembly resources

There are many resources on fargo/m68k assembly out.  One such excellent
source is a compilation produced by Jimmy Mardell []  It
was sent out on the list not to long ago and unziped is 99k.  If you
would like this, mail me at and I will send it to you uue
format.  Next time though, when sending something to the list, if you
would be so nice as to include your e-mail address so that we don't have
to bother the list about things such as this.

BTW, The list of numbers is found on page 484-487 in the Ti-92 guidebook
by TI.
just do this:
jsr	flib[idle_loop]  
cmp	#264,d0  ;checks to see if ESC is pressed
beq 	done        ; if so, goes to done which then exits to fargo
bra 	prog_code  ;if not, repeats itself.


On Sun, 11 Feb 1996 23:46:11 -0500 "David C. Matovich" <>
>Could someone point me to any resources on Fargo/M68K assembly 
>they can think of.  I'm trying to learn it.  There is one thing in 
>	I know that when you use idle_loop from flib, it sets a 
>(d0 I think) to number pertaining to a key pressed.  What I need in 
>particular is this list of numbers with their corresponding keys.
>- Thanks in advance for your help.
