[A89] Re: Alpha-lock in a request box


[A89] Re: Alpha-lock in a request box

From: "Samuel Nyall Stearley" <sstear70@calvin.edu>
> Just ot be sure but have you heard of auto-alpha-lock-off by Kevin Kofler?

I'll consider this, although the solution I'd like to look for is one that
doesn't require the users of my programs to install another program just for
the desired effect. And I might want some of the request boxes to default to
alpha-lock on if I expect the user to enter letters most of the time, while
some request boxes where I expect numbers to be entered can have alpha-lock
turned off.

> Also it never hurts to check documentation made by TI.

Would this be included in the SDK from TI's website? I guess I'll look
around and see what I can find some time when I feel like it.

