[A89] arrays question


[A89] arrays question

Ok, I'm now a forced user of GNU as, so a few questions:
is it ok to define a 5-word array like this:

   .word         5

... and this is the way I'm accesing the items in the "array":

   lea        MyArray,%a4
   addi       #1,0(%a4) | for item 0
   addi       #1,6(%a4) | for item 3


   move.w     0(%a3),-(%sp)
   move.w     2(%a3),-(%sp)

and more like that... is this ok?
onther question, if the above is ok, I assume the data is not zeroed, so I should clear it before working with it, right?, something like this:

   clr.l      (%a4)
   clr.l      4(%a4)
   clr.w      8(%a4)

should clear the 5 words, right?...
