[A89] Re: ellipses again


[A89] Re: ellipses again

----- Original Message -----
> The bresenham algorithm is kinda slow, but it does get the ellipse right.
The speed also is > not too obvious for smaller sizes.

Strange. bresenham ellipse should be very fast.

> All filling attributes work except for XOR.  This is not much of a
> problem for me now, but I don't like leaving it with something that
doesn't work.

Should be possible to fix.
I'll do a try on it in the dark now (I am not at home) and if that doesn't
work, I will try when I come home in about a week and can testrun it.

A great speedup to this should also be to make a custom horizontal line
routine, since the slowdown is most probably not the bresenham, but the

Another thing to check is that tigcc really optimizes those *2 and *4 to
shifts, and not uses mul:s. if not, change them to explicit shifts in the

This should work:
(looks a lot like Scotts, but he forgot that he needs to do the draw before
the x and y changes)

> void symmetry(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, short Attr)
> {
>  DrawLine(cx+x,cy+y,cx+x,cy-y,Attr);
>  if(y!=0) DrawLine(cx-x,cy+y,cx-x,cy-y,Attr);
> }
> void bresenham_ellipse(int a, int b, int cx, int cy, short Attr)
> {
>  long int S, T,a2,b2;
>  int x,y;
>  a2 = a*a;
>  b2 = b*b;
>  x = 0;
>  y = b;
>  S = a2*(1-2*b) + 2*b2;
>  T = b2 - 2*a2*(2*b-1);
>  symmetry(x,y,cx,cy,Attr);
>  do
>    {
>     if (S<0)
>        {
>         S += 2*b2*(2*x+3);
>         T += 4*b2*(x+1);
>         x++;
>        }
>       else if (T<0)
>           {
>            S += 2*b2*(2*x+3) - 4*a2*(y-1);
>            T += 4*b2*(x+1) - 2*a2*(2*y-3);
>            x++;
>            y--;

>           }
>          else
>           {
>            S -= 4*a2*(y-1);
>            T -= 2*a2*(2*y-3);
>            y--;
>           }
>    }
>  while (y>0);
> }

hope it works :)

