A89: The perfect linking program


A89: The perfect linking program

Hi everybody!

I know this is a little off-topic, but the only persons who could do this
are on this list.

I once had an idea about how to make a perfect linking program, and now I
know how to do it.  The only thing I need to know is how to link, so anyone
with information please reply.  Thanks.

Here's the idea:  I will make a system folder on the desktop that can also
be accessed through the Windows Explorer.  All you have to do is drag and
drop, and you will see a little copy dialog, just like when you copy from a
floppy disk to your hard drive.  The files are obviously displayed with the
proper extensions, although I should include proper file types.  All other
files should be converted, like TXT to TI-89 TEXT, BMP to TI-89 PIC, and so

Well, what do you guys think?  Any information about how to implement the
linking?  I just found out how to do the folder, I just have to do it
somewhere in the near future.

Sebastian Reichelt
