Re: A89: Re: Re: Folder List


Re: A89: Re: Re: Folder List

quite pointless to use a heavy duty routine like quicksort for such small amount
of data. If you have just 20-30 dataposts it will most probably end up takeing
more time with quicksort then with a simple bubblesort or selectionsort or


Sebastian Reichelt wrote:
> Hi!
> Is this for BASIC or ASM?  If it is for a BASIC program, try the SortA
> command, or, if it doesn't work, look up "Sebastian's Calculus Package" in
> the TI-89 BASIC Math Programs.  In the "Required Packages," there is a
> "SortList" function.  It was designed for numbers only, but it should be
> easy to modify.
> If it is for ASM, you should probably use a linked list to store the values,
> and then look up a sorting algorithm for linked lists.  Or you could
> dynamically create an array at runtime, if you know how many variables there
> are before you actually get their names, and use QuickSort.
> Bye,
> Sebastian
