A89: Frame Rates


A89: Frame Rates

Could somebody give me an estimate of (or if really nice: calculatre)  how
many screens a TI-89(hw1, hw2, or 92 plus or 92) can draw per second when
the calculator is mostly devoted to copying the images from memory to screen
memory (and actually being drawn)?[at mid battery]

I want to know the slowest to expect (Full screen 92 (big screen size)???).
and the fastest (64x48, full battery 89 hw??)

and the slower one of these:
fullscreen mid batt 89 hw1 and 2.
160x100 on 92 mid batt (reg and plus)

I am researching dithering and half toning, and I want to make pseudo code
for a RAW bitmap and or video TO high framerate Black and White.  Main
application: Better calculator imaging without changing formats or over
High res color images with many shades of gray could look be converted to
calculator format (multi plane) and look good.

With respect to my question and the Video application:

If the slowest framerate is 50fps close or above, We would very easily have
the apperance of 3 or more greys because we could take one origional frame,
and make it two black and white frames.

If one of the calculators supports 80fps, we could have 8or so greys easy.
(for some reason I think it can get this high)

If the framerate is 30 fps or less we could still do some fancy dithering to
make it look like greyscale.

If the framerate is lower than 10 we need great dithering to make it look

Of course, we can have different converting algorithms for different
purposes.  The extremes being: Each frame shows up as a good 8 color image
in step through mode, or closes

A good multiplane considerate dithering routine would help our image
viewing, even if not in the context of video. 8 gray pictures would still
blink, but not as noticably because the less flashy colors would be next to
the flashy ones... and the dithering would make it look like it had even
more grays!

Thank you

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