Re: A89: Re: Re: Showing Var-Link dialog


Re: A89: Re: Re: Showing Var-Link dialog

It works!
I deleted the first two bytes and the last two bytes from the file produced
by -outputbin.  The first two are the size for AMS, not needed in an Exec
string.  The last two are the ending tag mentioned by Johan (always F3 00).
My program using many romcalls and functions from TIGCCLIB runs perfectly!
Exec is only suitable for small programs, however, because it doubles (!)
their size (2 hex digits needed to represent one byte of code, each digit
takes up one byte).  The only thing I have not gotten to work yet is passing
arguments.  This will be very useful to me.  Thanks for your help!

    James Darpinian

P.S. to TI-GCC team:
You guys could work together to add an option to produce Exec statements in
TI-GCC.  Sebastian could make an option in the IDE, and Xavier could program
it into the linker, or something like that.  It would be a neat option, and
not hard to implement.
