Re: A89: faster LCD update on HW2 ?


Re: A89: faster LCD update on HW2 ?

On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 23:06:33 +0200, Olle Hedman wrote:
> You probably already know this, but you can change how many scanlines the lcd
> has (will read), with port $600013.  It containes ($100 - numberofscanlines).
> thats $80 for default.

This is what I know about $600013:

$600013 ($80)
	:7-0	LCD logical height =(256-n)
		Tells the LCD hardware how often is should insert a '1' into
		the screen row enable shift register and reset the DMA
		pointer. The shift register is (or seems to be) cleared on
		writes to this I/O-port. Each row takes, by default, 64 SLOW
		cycles (about ~12.03kHz). (See $60001C.)
		Note: The DMA reads ALL lines, whether they are visible or not!

(The last line was added today... :) )

Also, does '89hw.txt' still claim that $600015:0 controls an oscillator and
$600015:1 is "LCD data enable"? According to my tests, it's vice-versa:

	:1	SLOW enable (used for LCD and timers above)
		The ROM disables SLOW while enabling/disabling protection.
	:0	Screen DMA enable, LCD blank ("white") if =0
		HW1 calcs run ~10% faster when the DMA is disabled.

