Re: A89: Re: A possible shell for the 89... (POLL!!)


Re: A89: Re: A possible shell for the 89... (POLL!!)

I don't!  I don't!!  Concentrate on making better Prosit documentation, not
DoorsOS multitasking!

-Miles Raymond      EML:
ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: kilier2

----- Original Message -----
From: "Niklas Brunlid" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: A89: Re: A possible shell for the 89...

> > Neither were MSDOS programs...
> > But that's the main reason Windows became popular.
> > Brunlid has two choices: gain support now, or he can
> > wait and hope somebody starts developing for Prosit.
> MSDOS/Windows ran on a _slightly_ different (i.e. more advanced)
platform -
> where you (the OS) had at least some control over what the MSDOS program
> and where you can be sure that it doesn't "run away" and write over memory
> doesn't own...
> Another point is that since Prosit already runs on top of DoorsOS itself,
> kinda have the support you need already.
> > My opinion: What good is shell if it can only run the
> > demo programs that came with it? If no one develops
> > for it it will die.
> The shell itself is pretty much a demo in itself, although it _is_
> plus I, like many TI programmers, do it mainly because it's fun (I must
> I'm itching to make a Tinx3 if I ever get the time :).
> The bottom line:
> Sure, I can allow DoorsOS programs to run... but you wouldn't want to have
> anything important running (with text/gfx/some other data you want to
> Also, forget about multitasking DoorsOS programs. It's possible but highly
> volatile.
> Small poll: who wants Prosit to run DoorsOS programs?
>  / Niklas Brunlid
> Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at
> Random PQF Quote follows:
> He moved in a way that suggested he was attempting the world speed record
> for the nonchalant walk.
>         -- (Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic)
