Re: A89: Re: compiling...


Re: A89: Re: compiling...

sorry about it, i will do my best to keep it out.  but can you tell me
how to assemble a asm prog?? please???? tell me what progs to have (i
probly have them but just in case) and what other things to do.  thanks

--- Jean Canazzi <> wrote:
> > I don't send html documents, i'm not even sure how, maybee you are
> > seeing the blu line that yahoo puts to the left of the stuff i am
> > replying to.  i will try to disable that feature (i may have done
> that
> > for this e-mail tell me if i have)
> That blue line was actually html code. But it's alright,  you have
> disabled
> it in your last message :)

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