A89: strings again


A89: strings again

All right, I was wondering if it is possible to write more than 9 bytes to a separate string file.  I tried running the routine below, but instead of 9 I tried using numbers higher than 9, changing the different binary numbers respectively.
  lea.l sname(pc),a0
  move.w #1,d1
  jsr filelib::search
 move.w #9,d0                            ;this is where i tried to put in 10+ but it didn't work
 clr.w d1
 add.b #%00000001,d1
 lea.l save(pc),a1
 jsr filelib::writefile
 move.w #1,d0                            ;this part is to store a zero after the string  (zero dc.b 0)
 clr.w d1
 add.b #%00001010,d1                ;this would be %00001011 if i tried to store 10 numbers
 lea.l zero(pc),a1
 jsr filelib::writefile
 move.w #2,d0                            ;this part is to store the $2d (schar dc.b $0,$2d,0)
 clr.w d1
 add.b #%00001011,d1
 lea.l schar(pc),a1
 jsr filelib::writefile
save dc.b "12345678901234567",0
saveto dc.b "                  ",0
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?  Thanks.