Re: A89: division in asm


Re: A89: division in asm wrote:
> so it has to be a long and a long?  i tried dividing a word and a word (7
> divided by 8), and it gave me an illegal operation.  thanks, i will try longs.
> In a message dated 5/8/99 10:36:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << What do you have against divu and divs?
>  They discard the remainder if you divide a long by a long. >>

The 68000 can *only* divide a LONG by a WORD. The result must fit in a
otherwise you'll get an overflow. Division by zero should be avoided :)


DIVU.W	D1,D0	; D0 = D0/D1

This calculates D0.L/D1.W and puts the result in D0.W. The remainder is
in the high word of D0, you can use SWAP to get it.
If D0.L contains $1234 and D1.W contains $10, D0.L would be equal to
after this division. ($0004 + $0123*$10 = $1234.)

If you want to divide a word by a word, say D3.W divided by D2.W, you
clear the upper word of D3 (or sign-extend using EXT.L if you are using
numbers) before performing the division:

ANDI.L	#$0000FFFF,D3	; clear upper word of D3.L
DIVU.W	D2,D3		; unsigned division, result in D3.W


EXT.L	D3		; sign extend D3.W into D3.L
DIVS.W	D2,D3		; signed division, result in D3.W

If speed is more important than accuracy, you should consider shifting
adding instead. DIV?.W is a *very* slow operation.


Follow-Ups: References: