A89: Can anyone help? (ON topic =)


A89: Can anyone help? (ON topic =)

I'm having a problem with my program.  It's supposed to draw something on 
the screen that resembles a cube, but some of the corners get messed up for 
some reason.  Can anyone find the problem?



	include "doorsos.h"
	include "graphlib.h"
	include "userlib.h"
	xdef	_main
	xdef	_ti89

	jsr	graphlib::clr_scr				;clears the screen

	lea obj_test_cube_xy_coords(pc),a6	;get the location of the point 
coordinate table
	lea obj_test_cube_lines(pc),a5		;get the location of the line table
	move.l #12,d7						;number of lines in the line table
	bsr draw_object_to_screen_start

	jsr userlib::idle_loop				;wait for keypress
	rts									;back to os or shell

;input: a6=xy coord table location, a5=line table location, d7=number of 
	move.l a6,a4						;save location of coordinate table
	clr.l d0							;get rid of garbage in registers
	clr.l d1
	clr.l d2
	clr.l d3
	clr.l d4
	clr.l d5
	clr.l d6
	move.b (a5)+,d4						;get first endpoint of the line, point to next line
	move.b (a5)+,d5						;get the second endpoint of the line, point to next 

	muls.w #3,d4						;number of bytes in each entry of point table
	add.l a4,d4							;add the start of the table
	move.l d4,a6						;put it in an address register

	move.b (a6)+,d0						;get x1 of the line, point to next byte
	move.b (a6)+,d1						;get y1 of the line, point to next byte
	move.b (a6)+,d6						;byte to check if line can be drawn, piont to next 
	cmpi.b #0,d6						;make sure that the line can be drawn
	bgt draw_object_to_screen_skip_line	;if not, skip line draw

	muls.w #3,d5						;number of bytes per entry in point table
	add.l a4,d5							;add the start of table
	move.l d5,a6						;put it in address register

	move.b (a6)+,d2						;get x2 of the line, point to next byte
	move.b (a6)+,d3						;get y2 of the line, point to next byte
	move.b (a6)+,d6						;byte to check to see if line can be drawn
	cmpi.b #0,d6						;make sure that the line can be drawn
	bgt draw_object_to_screen_skip_line	;if not, skip line draw
	move.l #$4C00,A0					;screen location
	jsr graphlib::line					;draw line
	subq #1,d7							;decrement d7
	cmpi.b #0,d7						;see if we're done drawing lines
	bgt draw_object_to_screen			;if not, start again
	rts									;otherwise we're done

;object data
	dc.b 1,2				;pt1 connects to pt 2
	dc.b 2,3
	dc.b 3,4
	dc.b 4,1
	dc.b 5,6
	dc.b 6,7
	dc.b 7,8
	dc.b 8,5
	dc.b 1,5
	dc.b 2,6
	dc.b 3,7
	dc.b 4,8
obj_test_cube_xy_coords:	;screen x,y coords, last num- 0 off screen, 1 on 
	dc.b 96,34,0
	dc.b 64,34,0
	dc.b 69,39,0
	dc.b 91,39,0
	dc.b 96,66,0
	dc.b 64,66,0
	dc.b 69,61,0
	dc.b 91,61,0


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