A89: ROM Calls


A89: ROM Calls

I have seen functions like 'show_dialog and clear_dialog', in 
PlusShell.  These use a pointer to a dialog structure but that dialog 
structure is not defined anywhere that I can find.  

Anyone know where it is defined?

I have also seen ROM Calls like MenuPopup, call 03B, that are 
defined in header files but there is absolutely no information on how 
to use these?  

Anyone know where this is defined?

There are other structures (I gues they are sturctures) like 
WINDOW and RECT, used in OpenWin, and these structures are 
not defined anywhere that I can see.  

Anyone know where these are defined?

If OS like Doors and PlusShell use these calls, then it would be 
nice if they were defined somewhere.
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