Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)


Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)

Judging by what you're saying, HTML is also pointless because you need a
computer to read it. I highly doubt that any TCML page would have any
information that anyone w/o a calc would want!!!!!! Not only that, but I'm
sure someone could make a program to view the TCML pages should the need
arise. Not only that, but having to throw out the useless tags and junk would
require more RAM space and more processor speed! While an HTML viewer like
lynx could be useful, it would be a VERY good idea to have a special language
like TCML (which can be completely documented in two typewritten pages). HTML
is NOT intended to be used on anything less than 640x480, and even then,
that's a stretch. A 160x100 screen would not fare well. While pulling raw text
info off of the net could possibly come in handy, an HTML viewer for the calc
would only make the user feel out of place. Information can be organized much
more neatly with TCML. Not to mention, it's about 100x easier to write than
HTML. :)

In a message dated 1/12/99 2:03:58 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> A browser for the calc would be simple.  Just make it bare bones like lynx.
> Any
>  body who doesn't know what that is got to and get a unix
>  Have it toss out all the format codes such as  and  and keep just hyper
>  links and put a box for the image.  Another option is have a dedicated 
> server
>  that's sole purpose was to convert the html for the calculator.  Creating a
> whole
>  new language is self defeating.  Only the people who had the calculators 
> would be
>  able to view them.