Re: A89: what's the big deal?


Re: A89: what's the big deal?

Ok, point by point:
(excerpts from multiple emails and gooeyhoax.jpg)
>some window titlebars do not shift from black to blue

Just read my last post about photoshop

> the 'T' in 'TI-89 Simulator' that hangs over the window border a little bit

Maybe he used his own window drawing routines, rather than window's built in 
ones, and hes off by a few pixels. Ive seen programs that do worse.

>Title text is different colors on different windows

SO?? You can download programs that can make each program's window loo 
different. Or, this may be another product of his custom window routines.

>odd' is the existence of a View drop-down menu

No, you have multiple windows, syntax highlightin, toolbars, lots of stuff 
that would fit great as little checks in the View menu.

>Whats Syntax Scheme?

Anyone here program in x86 assembly? Ive seen 3 diffent ways to lay out 
programs before assembly. Or perhaps differnt color shemes for syntax 

>A white menu bar

Not at all uncommon. Sorry, but it isnt.

>the debugger, which is suspiciously resemblent of VTI

Copying from the best if you ask me. Besides:
>h4Xor has openly admitted using some code from other programs

>Upload to FTP?
(on the sending window in the screenshot)

No, ummm, gee, dont you have to send a compiled program to the calculator for 
it to be worth anything? Assembly Studio has the ability to send programs 
right to the calculator.

>a barely noticeable noise pattern in the surrounding background colors

Two possibilites: Crappy windows screenshot; or poor image compression

>Its a multi porpose editor

Good, then i dont have to have 16 programs for 16 jobs.

Anything Ive missed? Let me know

Jeff Barrett
