A89: Leaving...


A89: Leaving...

This list used to be a great sounding ground for programmers, where one
could ask questions and get responses for programming questions.  Although
I did really program at all, it was a place where I could get news on new
projects, hardware, hacks, etc.

I hope that the latest comment from Serial in response to Scott Noveck:

not like you've ever made use of it but to tell us about all the new
features we dont have or when we're doing something illegal anyway.

was not represenative of the consensus of the members of the list.  Of the
last 200 messages, I bet that less than 2% actually contained any assembly
content, and that nothing was learned.

I will remain on this list to see how if this whole thing blows over, but I
at this point, I am not sure if it will.

If anyone would care to _really_ talk about programming issues, send a
message to assembly_89-subscribe@listbot.com.  I just created this list in
response to the downward spiral that this list is taking.  Its moderated,
in the hope that it  remains ontopic.

Scott has *a lot* of great things to say as do many others, and a lot of
people would like to hear what they have to say.

-Mark Zavislak
