A89: faster key autorepeat


A89: faster key autorepeat

Try this if you think that the keyboard autorepeat rate is too slow:
(This works on the TI89 and really ought to work on the TI92+ too)


Assembly language:

	move.l	a2,-(a7)	; D3-D7/A2-A7 must not be destroyed, only A2 used here
	move.l	200,a2		; get start of ROM table
	move.w	#$0070,-(a7)	; push initial-repeat-delay (OS default is $150)
	move.l	$920(a2),a0	; get address of "WORD OSInitKeyInitDelay(WORD
	jsr	(a0)
	move.w	#$0018,-(a7)	; push delay-between-repeats (OS default is $30)
	move.l	$924(a2),a0	; get address of "WORD OSInitBetweenKeyDelay(WORD
	jsr	(a0)
	addq.w	#4,a7		; clean up the stack
	move.l	(a7)+,a2
	dc.w	0		; End of the TI relocation table

Note 1: This only speeds up the arrow keys. The other keys don't
autorepeat and the only way to change this is to patch the ROM. (Right?)

Note 2: The autorepeat rate is restored when the calc is turned off. Put
the above Exec-line in a program called kbdprgm1() and remember to press
[Diamond]+[1] everytime you turn on the calc.