Re: A89: PlusShell v0.99 Test Release 1


Re: A89: PlusShell v0.99 Test Release 1

YES!!! IT WORKS!!! THE SHELL WORKS!!! now i just need some game =)

Rusty Wagner wrote:

> PlusShell v0.99 includes TI-89 support.  It isn't the final version yet, but
> I have decided to release it to the public for testing purposes (as I don't
> yet have an 89 myself).  Go to to get the test
> release.  Please respond with your success (or horror) stories.  The
> following things need to be tested on the 89:
> 1) Does the shell even run?
> 2) Does the shell's screen appear correct with no graphical flaws?
> 3) Are the folders listed properly?
> 4) Do the keys work as expected?
> 5) Are the programs within the folders listed properly?
> 6) Can you run a program from the shell?
> 7) Does the hello world example clear the screen properly?
> 8) Does the graytest program display the grayscale image properly?  I use
> the 92+ hardware I/O techniques, so it isn't guaranteed to work.
> 9) Is the calculator stable after exiting the shell?  A good way to test
> this is to evaluate a simple math problem (1+1 will suffice), enter the mem
> screen and then escape out of the mem screen.  If the calc survives, it
> should be stable.
> I hope everything works as it should.  It will be nice to have some 89 games
> (especially since 89 games will work perfectly on the 92+!).
