A89: Shells


A89: Shells

At 18:21 1998-10-24 -0400, you wrote:
>  My second question relates to the shells.  Of course, we can run games
>such as Mario 92 from PlusShell or DoorsOS.  However, I have found DoorsOS
>programming a tad easier.. is there a way to make a DoorsOS program work
>under PlusShell without recompiling it under PlusShell [is there a line I
>can add before compiling it with doors that will let it run on both shells?]

Talking about shells; how do I compile something that doesn't require
a shell? PlusShell looked ok, except for the fact that you don't
get any error when accessing a label which doesn't exist! (because of
the -g parameter). That makes any serious programming impossible.
And Doors OS seems to require that you have the kernel on the calc (?)

Real name:     Jimmy Mårdell
Email:         mailto:yarin@acc.umu.se
Homepage:      http://www.acc.umu.se/~yarin/

Icarus Productions homepage: http://icarus.ganymed.org/
