Re: A89: info requested


Re: A89: info requested

>2.   Someone said that the shell cannot be deleted because it is installed in
>the "kernal" or something (i am probably mixing things up here) but it can be
>uninstalled with another program...why is the shell installed this way...why
>not just have it like usgard or something...

I'm not exactly an expert, but on computers the kernal is the file that
holds all the syscal code.  Something like putc isn't really an
instruction, but a function call to the kernal.  As far as I know programs
like DoorsOS rewrite the existing OS kernal on the 89.  You wouldn't be
able to just delete this file without replacing it with another kernal,
thats what the uninstall program does.  I may be wrong about this, this is
just how it works in a computer.

