[A86] Fraction ROM Calls


[A86] Fraction ROM Calls

If there are any expireinced ASM programmers left here
on this mostly dry mailing list (I know you're there)
then I have two questions.

I am looking for documentation (and if possible an example)
of two TI-86 ROM Calls. The two ROM calls are:

_tofrac equ 4B93h ; convert op1 to op1/op2
_FRAC equ 549Ch ; op1 = frac(op1)

The comments arenot very descriptive and I would like to know
how to use these two ROM calls.

Input is going to be a fp decimal number
Output I'd like to be op1 as a string that reads
numerator/denomiator (if reducable to a fraction)
or an op as the denomiator and another op as the

The most I could get was the numerator (but couldnt get
the denomiator or didnt know what the output of each of
these routines is.

Any help would be appreciated.

(See Also: http://www.ti-programmers.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=
10;t=000103 )

Ricky Cobb
icq 41440378
msn arcadesdude
y!  arcadesdude
aim arcadesdude
