[A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen


[A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen

Well, package up your .86p and send it here.  Some of what you've
described sounds like screen refresh problems, and some of it sounds
like just a bug in the code...  If we could actually see what was
going on it'd help.

On Sunday, September 30, 2001, Notbynow wrote:
>        Sorry, I forgot that I wasn't smart and that I couldn't write my own 
> routines...  Anyway, my original question was why do certain areas of the 
> screen develop light spots when there are a bunch of dark pixels above it.  I 
> still don't know the answer, but I now am quite certain that it is a hardware 
> problem, because If I move the "column" of "bullets" to a different area, the 
> area below is still almost to the point of the LCD being off in that area, 
> even if the contrast is way up.  To overcome this situation, I'm going 
> redesign my routines untill they work, because it is clear that nobody knows 
> why the screen does this; and since it is hardware, there's no way around it, 
> so new routines are the only way to get around it. Thank you for your support.

> Marc McG

Aaron was here.
