Re: A86: Memory Expander


Re: A86: Memory Expander

the size of the stacks has nothing to do with asm.  these are used for
basic return addresses (and asm if you call an external program) and fp
number storage during large calculations.  the problem with asm programs
is that many of them will use page 1 as scratch space and blindly write
over the variable data.  (ashell does not do this...)

you can move _FPS and _FPBASE to _alt_int_chksum, _OPS and _OPBASE to
_altram_end-1, and set SIZE to 0.
that gives you 804 bytes for the stacks and 112k for variables (shows up
as 14688 on MEM:RAM screen :)
this will also get you in trouble if you have any _alt_... programs
installed, or if by some freak chance the data on the stack sets one of
the checksums right :) 


On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 11:26:24 EST writes:
> In a message dated Fri, 10 Mar 2000  7:13:50 AM Eastern Standard 
> Time, "Andreas Finne" <> writes:
> > 
> > How large does the memory space have to be for the stacks?
> The expander program leaves 1024 bytes. This should work for most 
> use. If you dont have any asm programs on the calc, and only use it 
> for math, you can probably set it somewhat lower. There was a 
> reference in the comments of the program to 256, wasnt there? Is 
> that for "normal" (i.e. no asm programs) useage? 
> Jeff Barrett

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