A86: _exec_basic


A86: _exec_basic

The mystery is finally solved. We were using the wrong ROM call. The call on
the 83+ is _parseinp (according to TI), so I searched TI's official
includes. There it was, _parseinp, location $4C57. Now we knew about $4C57
before, but it didn't switch back to ROM page $0D, so we thought it caused a
crash. So, just use this code to execute a BASIC program if the name is in

     call $4c57
     ld   a,$0D
     out  (5),a

Also, you should flush the menus before executing if you haven't already:

     call $49dc

And you MUST exit your program through jforce:

     jp   $409c

(If you don't, nothing TOO bad should happen, but you will get an ERROR 07

I tested this with various programs, compiled and uncompiled, and it seems
to work all the time.

