A86: _getkey


A86: _getkey

Hello. I am new to this list, and to Z80 assembly programming. My
programming experience is limited to TRS-80 Model III BASIC from 1982(!), so
please bear with me. I have gone through the various tutorials and have
gotten somewhat of a grasp on assembly language programming, but I have a
ways to go yet.

I have written a program using one of Trent Lillehaugen's examples
(http://www.calpoly.edu/~tllilleh/a86/examples.html the KEY INPUT example).
The example on the page is obviously incomplete and even incorrect in a
couple of places. I filled in some of the holes where the labels are and
even added a function to initialize the screen to print the text. Here is my

#include "asm86.h"
#include "ti86asm.inc"

.org _asm_exec_ram
	call _clrLCD	;clear the LCD
	call _getkey	;waits for key
	cp K_ENTER	;is it ENTER?
	jp Z,ENTER	;if so, jump to ENTER
	cp K_2ND	;is it the SECOND key?
	jp Z,SECOND	;if so, jump to SECOND
	cp K_EXIT	;is it exit?
	jp Z,EXIT	;if so, jump to EXIT
	jp ASK_FOR_KEY	;if it's none get another key
	call INIT_SCRN	;initialize the screen
	ld hl,entertext	;point hl to entertext
	call _puts	;put entertext on screen
	call INIT_SCRN	;initialize the screen
	ld hl,scndtext	;point hl to scndtext
	call _puts	;put scndtext on screen
	call INIT_SCRN	;initialize the screen
	ld hl,exittext	;point hl to exittext
	call _puts	;put exittext on screen
	ld hl,$0000
	ld (_curRow),hl	;set cursor to 0,0

.db "You pressed ENTER",0
.db "You pressed SECOND",0
.db "You pressed EXIT",0

When I assemble this, this is the error list I get:

key.asm line 0008: Label not found: (K_ENTER)
key.asm line 0008: Unused data in MS byte of argument. (200)
key.asm line 0010: Label not found: (K_2ND)
key.asm line 0010: Unused data in MS byte of argument. (200)
key.asm line 0012: Label not found: (K_EXIT)
key.asm line 0012: Unused data in MS byte of argument. (200)
tasm: pass 2 complete.
tasm: Number of errors = 6

This tells me that _getkey does not return anything using these labels. Does
_getkey return any values that I can use as a comparison, or do I need to
learn interrupts first?

Sorry for the length of this post. If this is too long, please enlighten me
on how to post code examples.


Brian Deuel
Brian's Coinop History Archive
