Re: A86: Assembly Studio 8x, sending vars to VTI


Re: A86: Assembly Studio 8x, sending vars to VTI

> yes.
> sending a drop file command would probably be better, but it's not a very
> well documented windows feature.  (sourcing a drag/drop without the
> mouse)

I was playing with trying to get it to work, but I'm not too good with
Win32.  I'm sure Rusty knows how to do it, but I haven't asked him
(Jeremy?).  I think all that is requires is the message, but I don't know of
any (if they exist) API calls to create the internal structures for the file
list, and couldn't find it in the header files (not that it would be good to
use them directly anyway).  It should be something like this:

h = FindWindow("TApplication", "Virtual TI-86");
SendMessage(h, WM_DROPFILES, ?, ?);

Getting those last two parameters correct is the real trick :)

> but imho, sending keystrokes is a much simpler & more compact method than
> trying to go through the whole virtual link stuff.

Agreed.  The virtual link method is not the way to go (bad idea on my part,
sorry).  If there are API calls to setup the structures for drag/drop, then
sending the WM_DROPFILES message is probably the cleanest way to go.  The
best way would be to have VTI accept a message to turn the calc on and load
a file.
