Re: A86: Question


Re: A86: Question

load 1,"Q" to op1
call _rcl ($4ce7)
call _CONVOP1
store a somewhere
repeat for 1,"R"
get the values you stored from that
call some misc. aligned sprite routine

probably the best way to load a 1 byte variable name to op1 is like this:
 ld hl,('Q'*$0100)+$01
 ld (_op1+1),hl


On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 17:2:55 -0600 "Chicken" <> writes:
>I'm trying to create a program that will read to variables from off 
>calculator, and display an aligned sprite at those coordinates.  In 
>words, I want to type into my calculator 5/->/Q (row variable) and 
>(column variable).  Then the asm prog will read Q and R and display 
>aligned sprite at Q,R.  How do I do this?
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