Re: A86: entry location


Re: A86: entry location

Will _numlastentries take negative numbers?  If so, try putting -1
there;  perhaps it increments after task (the program) completion. wrote:
> this is a very short program which is supposed to clear all entries:
>         xor a
>         ld (_numlastentries),a                  ;still one entry
>         ld (_currlastentry),a                   ;doesn't do anything
>         ld hl,$ce2c
>         ld (_LASTENTRYPTR),hl           ;doesn't do anything
>         ld hl,$0000
>         ld (_LASTENTRYSTK),hl           ;doesn't do anything
>         ret
> the very last entry (the program) is still there.  any ideas why?
> In a message dated 5/15/99 18:31:30 Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > might these be related?:
> >  _LASTENTRYPTR             equ         0CE2Ah
> >  _LASTENTRYSTK             equ         0CE2Ch
> >  _numlastentries           equ         0CEACh
> >  _currlastentry            equ         0CEADh
> >
> >
