Re: A86: turning the run indicator off


Re: A86: turning the run indicator off

the call also clears the run indicator off of the screen.
if you're really concerned about speed, never use rom calls.  they waste
a surprising amount of time switch pages and stuff.  only use rom calls
if you want to save space or you don't want to or don't know how to write
your own code to do the same thing.


On Sat, 15 May 1999 15:52:17 EDT writes:
>What is the difference between doing <call _runindicoff>   or doing    
>                     <res indicRun,(iy+indicflags)>
>i know that using the call make the prog smaller but does using res 
>indicRun,(iy+indicflags) make it faster (b/c it doesn't have to save 
>pc then 
>jp some where in the rom and then come back)

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