A86: Re: Assembly Shells...


A86: Re: Assembly Shells...

> If it is possible to emulate ti-85 and 82 assembly programs on a ti-86
> and they all use the same processor, would it be plausible to do the
> reverse or is the memory available different.

No.  The 86 has many ram pages, so it's possible to simulate the rom pages
and ram setup of the other calcs.  It would be quite impossible to emulate
the 86 on another calc (except the 89/92), because all the rom calls would
be different (among other reasons).

> Also does anyone know where I can find information on writing a shell
> that emulates other ti calculators.  Not that I want to write one at the
> present, I'm just interested in learning how they work...

What these shells do is setup the memory to be like an 85/82, then patch all
of the rom calls in the program.  They also have to setup routines to mimick
the rom calls on the other calc, too.  82 emulation is much more complicated
than 85 emulation, due to the way the display is accessed.
