Re: A86: Timer Routine


Re: A86: Timer Routine

What I'd like to do is to make another counter in the mainloop. That way it 
wont slow down the game. Look below:

xor a                ;Same as ld a,0 but one byte shorter(updates the  ld 
(Delay),a         ;flags)


ld a,(Delay)
inc a
cp 200        ;Experiment which number gives the desired delay
call z,DoTimer
ld (Delay),a

xor a
ld (Delay),a
>  ld a,(timercount)
>  dec a
>  cp 0
>  jp z,DT1
>  ld (timercount),a
>  ret
>  ld a,(timer)
>  dec a
>  cp 0
>  jp z,DTENDG
>  ld (timer),a
>  ret
>  ld a,5
>  ld (quitflag),a
>  ret

>From: "Akshay Dhalwala" <>

>i have another question.  I am trying to make a timer routine for my game.  
>here is the routine the i made:

Look above

>it works fine, but it is too fast.  in the beginning of my program, i load 
>timercount with 200.  basically, it will decrease timercount and if it is 
>0, then it will decrease timer.  but it is too fast.  as you can see, i 
>tried to make it last for a second with the djnz and halt combination, but 
>then my game is too slow.  can anyone help?

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