A86: Re: screen and pixel sizes [OT]


A86: Re: screen and pixel sizes [OT]

TI-86: 128x64  pixels, b/w
GB:    160x144 pixels, four color yellowscale
GBP:   160x144 pixels, four color grayscale
GBC:   160x144 pixels, 56 colors (not limited to, but also limited by

Something to note is that the GB does not have actual pixels, but only
sprites.  No video memory like on the PC/TI.  You only have a background
(hardware tilemap w/ built in scrolling) and 40 hardware sprites.

APA graphics can be simulated, but they're slow.

> Does anyone out there know the size of the screen of a gameboy (in pixels)
> vs. the size of an 86 screen?  Also, about how big are the pixels on a
> gameboy?  This information will make or break the program I'm working
