A86: Re: Displaying a variable


A86: Re: Displaying a variable

here goes.  I tried the code you sent me(included below) and it worked, except
for one minor problem.  When it displays HL it always displays it towards the
bottom right hand corner, no matter what.  I tried  a <ld a,1><ld
(_curRow),a><ld (_curCol),a> right before the <call _vputs>  but that didn't
do anything either.  is there anyway to control where HL is displayed?


 ld hl,MyVar
 inc (hl)
 call _ldhlind
 call DisplayHL

; DisplayHL:  (idea from SCaBBy/Mardell)    [Assembly Coder's Zenith]
;  Display HL as a 5-digit decimal number with no leading zeros
;  out: AF, HL, BC, DE destroyed
 ld c,'0'  				; save ascii value for zero
 ld de,_OP1+5			; point to end of the buffer
 xor a				; zero terminate string
 ld (de),a				; set last byte to zero
 call UNPACK_HL			; next digit
 dec de				; next position
 add a,c				; convert to ascii
 ld (de),a				; save digit
 ld a,h				; load upper byte
 or l					; check with lower byte for zero
 jr nz,DisplayHLl			; loop
 ex de,hl				; point to buffer
 call _vputs			; print number
 ret					; we're done