A86: (no subject)


A86: (no subject)

	Actually, I have been listening to previous messages on this list and upon
hearing of an on calc assembler I was pleased to be able to tell most of you
out there that I am in the works of such an assembler.  I've worked out almost
all the conflicts, and I know the Z80 just well enough to write such a
program. (I've got a nice tetris-columns-bombtris cross mixed game for the 86
I never released and a kickin' hexeditor) but as far as the hype goes I've
only begun to code the routines.
	Much to my disamusement, I am stuck with numerous classes I must contend
with, and therefore am running short on time.  I am willing to offer 90% of my
source and written explanation to anyone willing to finish this.... I simply
don't have the time and am overwhelmed by homework.  I want to give this a
shot and maybe one you kind souls out there will be sympathetic (plus you'll
get credit something like "by (your name).......concept by Tim
Adkisson......coded by (your name).......")
	If you want the info on this I would appreciate an email message knowing
so....this is not just an idea guys, if it weren't for just some unfinished
routines, this program would be finished.  It has a menu driven interface and
relies so much on a run time disassembler (i.e. it compiles while you write
and displays what you've got so far) we could write a hacking tool out of
this.  It also supports instant writeback to an assembly file (I'm working on
this still...:^)...) because the program is precompiled.  Labels are allowed
but only in   Lbl 1:  style, unfortunately  :^(
	I will work on more additions.  Syntax is not a problem because it relies so
much on the menu for pre-syntaxing..... I am in the process of writing ASM
address recognitions (like recognizing when it calls _putchar and not calling
some hex address...I need some help on finishing the Z80 coding, not the
	-want this as much as you do-
	Tim Adkisson
	<a href="honorIam2@aol.com"> honoriam2@aol.com </a>