Re: A86: keyboard input problem/question [reposted]


Re: A86: keyboard input problem/question [reposted]

that sounds like you need to debounce it.  i'm not exactly sure how to
fix this, but try putting in a small delay after you check the key.  i
think what you want is to wait for the key to be down for a certain
amount of time before it counts as being down and the same for when it's
released.  that way, if it's down for less than that, ignore it.


On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 13:15:15 -0500 "Stephen Horne" <>
>I am trying to make an input routine which can determine the current 
>of the keyboard without pausing the keyboard. This is necessary in 
>program I am making -- I want there to be a blinking cursor (not the 
>system one.)
>The algorithm I made so far works pretty well (except for the 
>repetition of
>characters -- I think I can fix that pretty easily, though,) however, 
>you press Y it will show "YZYZYZYZYYZZYZ" etc and if you press Z, it 
>"Z Z ZZZ  Z  Z    Z" etc. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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