Re: A86: External Variables


Re: A86: External Variables

asm can handle anything!

if it's a line length limit, it's assembly studio, just split the string
onto two or more lines.
if you have to end the string with a 0, there's probly no limit.
if the string's length is needed somewhere, the length limit is
(probably) either 255 or 65535, depending on whether it's 8 or 16 bit,
which depends on the routines you're using them with.  in this case you
can't overcome the limit (easily).


On Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:26:32 EST writes:
>	Can ASM handle strings or lines longer than 255 characters, or 
>is that just
>an Assembly Studio thing?  If not, can the program use external 
>strings that
>are longer than 255 characters?
>Glen Solsberry

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