Re: A86: Sprites (More)


Re: A86: Sprites (More)

In a message dated 1/2/99 9:30:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> In an AND sprite, a pixel will be black if one or both of the pixels are
>  black. For instance, if the the line %10010010 was on top of %01101010, you
>  would get %11111010. 

actually, that's or, not and.  it's usually pointless to and a sprite to the
screen, because most graphics assume the background to be white, not black.
and resets all pixels where either operand is a 0

>  However, in an XOR sprite, a pixel is black only if the
>  other one is white. The above example would yield %11111000. This is also
>  called "inverse" because any pixels that are "on" will simply switch the 
> other
>  pixel.