Re: A86: _createreal


Re: A86: _createreal

seeing as i don't think there's a rom call to put ahl into an op register
(forgot about that little problem), it might be easier to use a string.
really, the easiest thing would be to have the basic program set
variables to tell the asm program where and how to display it and print
it with asm.


On Sun, 26 Dec 1999 22:50:48 -0800 "Bryan Kam" <>
>Hey, thanks for the links, although those asm ones deny me permission
>because they're in an unsupported mime format on your server.
>What I'm trying to do is store the free memory into a real for use in 
>programs (shells probably), e.g.:
>:Outpt(8,7,"bytes free
>My program will store the ram into the real mem.  So one can just call 
>program and get the memory since you can't get the free ram in basic.  
>of pointless but I'm doing it anyway.
>I thought I'd store it into a real, but would a string be better?
>Thanks again,
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of jimi malcolm
>Sent:	Sunday, December 26, 1999 8:07 PM
>Subject:	A86: _createreal
>> From: "Bryan Kam" <>
>> Subject: A86: Mem and _createreal
>i had the same problems you're
>having. i just updated a
>bunch of the variables section
>at my web site. check out:
>for details on creating real
>numbers (along with every other
>type of ti-os variable).
>for details on storing data
>to ti-os variables.
>is exactly what you want. it is
>the source code to a example
>that shows you how to create
>a real variable and store
>a binary coded decimal to it.
>15 minutes ago i started working
>on overhauling the binary
>coded decimal section:
>it should be done by tomorrow
>to store the free mem into
>the real variable "MEM" you
>need to convert it to
>binary coded decimal (bcd)
>are you going to manipulating
>it like * - + /? or are
>you just going to display
>it or something. just store it
>to a string then. the source
>to that is at:
>wait, isn't the free memory
>returned in ahl? set the _curCol
>and _curRow to invalid numbers
>(like 99,99 or something way
>off). then use _DispAHL
>to display them. it shouldn't
>write it to the screen. the number
>will probably be in _OP1 i think.
>there's your bcd number that
>you can store to a real number.
>i don't think _dispahl stores
>the number to _op1 though before
>displaying it. so that probably
>won't work. give it a try maybe.
>why do you want to store
>the free memory into a
>real number for anyway? if
>you don't mind my asking.
>jimi malcolm
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